Feri Pribadi webdevelopers AKU Belajar: Women More Like Bearded Men

1 Februari 2013

Women More Like Bearded Men

Women More Like Bearded Men 

Category: ARTICLES, Teens & Love

For men who do not like beards, you better start to reconsider. According to research, it turns out women prefer men bearded know.
A study conducted on women aged 18-44 years. They all diperlihatkan15 picture with a man who has a beard be some level. There are chin smooth without hair, slight beard until a thick beard.
The women had then must choose which men they think are mature, romantic, aggressive and serious in sexual love.
Quoted from Telegraph.co.uk, hasiln study was quite surprising. The majority of the women had always choose the bearded men when answering questions.
The women also assume that men do not shave has its own charm. They also prefer bearded men as their life partners.
Interested beards?

source: detik.com

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