Feri Pribadi webdevelopers AKU Belajar: Emak2 Fesbuker Find Love

1 Februari 2013

Emak2 Fesbuker Find Love

Emak2 Fesbuker Find Love 

Category: ARTICLES, Books, Teens & Love

Twenty-five-Mother Mother fesbuker nyeritain impression and his off steam during down social networking Mark Zuckerberg's creation. It turns out, has an account with the status fesbuk-Mother Mother, often bring exciting stories and adorable.
Ifa Avianty
"I do not know how come, there is a gentlemen do not know shame, which pop up in the chat window and directly addressed, 'And what mothers? Yuuuk sleep .... 'Astagfirullahal azhim. Sir, sir, yes if drunk mbok ngegodain mothers do not go. "
If Ifa Avianty ngobrolin world it's common authorship. Now, in his time, he was trying to be a culinary consultant for the fesbuker.
Triani Retno A.
"Lo's authors. Period not have Facebook, anyway? "
"Obama wrote to use Facebook. Period lo not, anyway? "
Mom with glasses who works as a writer, has a myriad of opinions on fesbuk. For him, fesbuk (not) always make drunk. In fact, social networking is he made as a place for exchange of knowledge and talent authorship.
Haya AZ
"The days following have fesbuk are the days of taking my regular eye drops and creams antipegal. Understandably, it fesbukan potentially high levels of addiction addictive aka "Not just opium, fesbuk also successfully bringing a few ex. Wow, how would it be Mother-Mother met at the former, huh?
Also follow other exciting stories from: Miyosi Ariefiansyah, Lin Wulynne, Amanda Ruth Pratiwi, Aprilina Prastari, Imma R. Rushdi, Bayu Spirit, D. Telaphia, Dinar Ardanti, Santi P Nuur, Shabrina WS, Farida Ulfa Farano, Mubarak Laily, Ida Raihan, Nadiah Abidin, Nia Ariefianto, Nisa Salwa, Novyarini Prasetyo, Aney Maysoroh, Pritchard HW, Sprott Yudisia, Ulfah Khaerani and Yunita Radhiana.

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