Holiday Fun for Little
Category: ARTICLES, Mother & Child
children, the holiday was not just escape from the daily routine, but
also a means to enrich the experience, honing their skills and expand
their knowledge about many things disektarnya.Preparation A to ZSo that more meaningful vacation, necessary preparation. A few weeks before leaving for vacation, discuss with your child to determine the place, time, purpose, and holiday themes.Adjust owned holiday wishes of children with no bounds. Themes are also important, because we can teach these activities in more depth. Equally
important is to determine the rules of the game, so the child knows
what he can and can not do, and when they return home.Other
preparations to be done such as contacting a vacation spot, prepare the
tools needed (especially if the holiday out of town) and the needs of
children.It's good, adjust your habits so that the child is not difficult to adjust the time on his return from holiday. Only distinguishing learning time, which is filled with fun activities.Regarding the location, vacation outside the city or at home actually equally useful. The only difference is the source of learning. Advantages
vacation outside the city, among others recognize the new environment
and find things that are not found in the child's home environment.Interests Children Under AgeBefore
making the schedule during the holidays, parents should know the
interests of children according to age so that children do not get
bored. Each child has their own interests, according to age. Clearly, see what interests children aged 1-5 years?1-2 yearsAt this age, children love to explore and get to know the rhythm. Children are also being honed senses. If a vacation to the mountains, to know the things that are around can be an option.Children also begin to lose trained eye and hand coordination. Rolling ball game, or games that are related to the basic concepts, such as the familiar left-right, colors can be selected.2-3 yearsHobbies do doodles. at this age, so, prepare the paper for a child to scribble what he saw. They are also fond of using gross motor activities, such as running, jumping, etc.Age is also a good time to introduce role play. who honed his imagination. Also, games that train the child's independence, such as the race wore.3-4 yearsAt this age, children begin to focus more on themselves. So, give them a choice of activities related to them. For example, the game introduced himself. "Your name is who? The house where you are? Parents who are you? "This can be done during the trip.4-5 yearsChildren begin to interact with their environment and friends. Choice of activities should be involving many people. Children are also becoming interested in numbers and letters.Hasto Prianggoro.
Category: ARTICLES, Mother & Child
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