Feri Pribadi webdevelopers AKU Belajar: Men More Attracted to Women stature Contains

1 Februari 2013

Men More Attracted to Women stature Contains

Men More Attracted to Women stature Contains

Category: ARTICLES, Info & Tips, Youth and Love, Sex

Message for women who have a normal weight and tend to contain. No need to take pains to have a slim body shape and thin just to attract attention. As it turns out men prefer women who have a normal size with an average weight and contains, as compared with women who are too slim.According to researchers in Scotland, owned body shape like Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson or Kate Winslet turned out to look more attractive and healthier than Victoria Beckham or Paris Hilton.A survey conducted by the University of St Andrews has been published in the journal Perception, involving a group of male students aged 18-26 years. They were asked to rate the women from the photos provided, based on attractiveness and health.In this study, the researchers asked some questions to about 84 women about their health. The research team also measured the blood pressure and photographed them. Then the photos were given to the male respondents to be based assessment of health, weight and allure of the women in the photo.From the survey results it can be concluded that the men to average women with normal body weight is the most attractive and healthy thought.The researcher revealed that the results of this survey gave a strong message to young women who think that a thin body shape is more attractive. This assumption is not entirely true. This is evident because apparently men prefer women who have a normal weight."This is a message to young women that maintaining a normal body weight is beneficial to health and can improve the appearance of your best," said the researcher, Professor David Perrett."In our study, those who had a normal weight is considered more healthy and more attractive than the individual thin or overweight," adds the researcher.

Sources: http://www.conectique.com/get_updated/article.php?article_id=8106

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