Keeping Muslim Brotherhood
Category: ARTICLES, Info & Tips
"And bertaqwalah to God by means of His names, you ask one another, and (guard) the relationship of friendship." (Surah An Nisa: 1)"A believer to believer (more) like a building, mutually reinforcing each other." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).Muslim brotherhood or fraternity of Islam is one of the vital aspects and greatly emphasized in Islam. So many suggestions and orders calling for tightening the bonds of brotherhood among fellow Muslims, and there are many restrictions to sever ties of brotherhood in Islam. All that has been presented in the teachings of Islam, either through word of Allah in the Qur'an and through the words of the Prophet in the Hadith.Prophet himself, who is a human choice has shown how Muslims should always maintain brotherhood. Through his saying, he has so much to remind his people to always maintain the integrity persaudaraanya in Islam, because Islam is a religion which forbids Muslims to break kinship or relationship, especially with a brother who is in the shade of Islam.From Abdullah ibn Abi Aufa ra. said, when the late afternoon on the day of Arafat, when we were sitting around the Messenger of Allah, all of a sudden he said, "If there are people in this chamber who decides friendship, please stand up, do not sit with us." And when it is, between the present there is only one that stands out, and that too sitting in the distance. Then he was gone in the not long after that he came and sat down again.Then, the Prophet asked him, "Because you only present among the stands, and then you come and sit back, what actually happened? He then said, "As soon as you hear the words, I went to meet my aunt has decided to friendship with me. Since my arrival, he said, "Why have you come, you usually do not like to come here." Then I convey what you sabdakan. Then he ask forgiveness for me, and I ask for forgiveness for him (after we make peace, then I come back here).Then the Messenger of Allah had said to him, "You have done a good deed, sit down, the grace of God will not descend upon a nation if in it there are people who decide gathering."What has happened in the history of the above of course is in accordance with the word of Allah swt all the following:"Surely the believers are brothers, so make peace between the two brothers and fear Allah that you may receive mercy" (Qur'an Hujuraat: 10)Strengthen the brotherhood of Islam is also one form of enforcement power of Islam in daily life. Because Muslims are one another is like a building complementary and mutually reinforcing. If there is a shortage of his brother, then it becomes his duty to continue to provide or preserve it, not just throw out or decide. Muslims are to one another like a body that if one member of a sore body, the whole body will feel it too. This is where the power of Islam will be established through a strong brotherly relations."The likeness of the believers in love, love, and mutual empathy like one body. If one of the members feel the pain then the whole body participated felt the vigil and feel the fever. "(Narrated by Muslim)He also once said, "No one ever reward merit obtained faster than the relationship, and no one dosapun a faster adzabnya acquired in the world, as well as in the Hereafter will be obtained, exceeding injustice and decide ties." In an another report , from Anas, he said that Rasullah Prophet said, "Whoever likes dilapangkan sustenance and former dilamakan soles (stretched his age), he should connect ties. (Narrated Mutafaq 'alaih)In another narration, the Prophet was once asked by a friend, "O Messenger of Allah bring me charity that can put me to heaven". He replied: "You worship Allah, not associating him with everything, you set up the prayer, zakat and you connect exert friendship". (Narrated by Bukhari).The arguments above have explained the importance of the meaning of an Islamic brotherhood. So important and vital function of strengthening the brotherhood of Islam, to the Prophet did not want to admit people who do not have a brother as kepedualian the affairs of his people, it is as stated by the Prophet in his saying, which means:From Hudzaifah Bin Yemen ra. said the Prophet. said, "Who does not ihtimam (care) to the affairs of the Muslims, then it is not included among them.". (Narrated by At Tabarani)Once we know the urgency of a brotherhood in Islam, from now on let us start to always connect, strengthen, and keep us on the path silaturrahmi Islam. There are many things we can do to in order to connect, strengthen and maintain the ties of brotherhood of Islam, which are:1. Love your sense UngkapakanExpressing the love that has been known among the youth was limited to express his love for his girlfriend alone. However, the highest Islamic religious teachings have a broader scope than just that. Expressing love it is also needed in order to strengthen the brotherhood with fellow Muslims. It is, as has been recommended by the Prophet in his sayings.Prophet. said, "If a man loves his brother, let him say love him." (Narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi)In another narration, Anas. say that someone is on the Messenger of Allah, then one of his best friends through it. People who are on the side of the Messenger of Allah said, "I love her, O Messenger of Allah." Then the Messenger of Allah said, "Did you tell him?" The man replied, "Not yet." Then the Messenger of Allah said, "Tell him." Then the man told him and said, "Truly I love you for Allah." Then loved ones replied, 'God loves you because you love me because of him. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood)2. Indicate Happy FaceMeet someone who has a radiant face will surely carve memories. The face with a smile, full of passion and melancholy hue will not indicate cause longing for his brother. It could be a beaming we have shown it will give a positive spirit to the brothers we meet. Thus, it arises the desire to always want to meet and see it beaming.Prophet. said, "Do not belittle any good, even if just to meet your brother with a cheerful face." (Narrated by Muslim)3. Shaking HandsShaking hands is a form of physical contact to touch the hearts of both parties do so if it is done with sincere intentions and vigorously because Allah swt. Hold your brother's hand tightly and warm, until the spirit of the handshake can penetrate the heart.Prophet. said, "No two Muslims who meet and shake hands but they are forgiven their sins before parting." (Narrated by Abu Dawood)4. Mutual BeenIn addition to strengthen the ties of brotherhood in Islam, visits by-visit is one way that will lead us to the love of Allah swt. This is similar to the following words of the Prophet:Prophet Muhammad said, "Allah Almighty. said, 'It would have got my love of those who loved because I am, they visit each other because of me, and give each other because I am.' "(Narrated by Imam Malik in Al-Muwatta ')5. Giving GreetingsIt can not be denied that the concern is one of the most effective forms of action to strengthen a relationship. And one way to show your concern for us is to congratulate him when he gets a success. Brotherhood in Islam can only be loosened only by nature indifferent to each other and did not care about each other.In this regard, the Prophet had said, from Anas bin Malik, the Prophet said, "Whoever meets his brother with something that can be delighted him, surely God would delighted him on the Day of Resurrection." (Narrated Thabrani in Mu'jam Shagir)6. Mutual Giving GiftsHadith marfu 'from Anas that,' You shall give each other gifts, because gifts can pass the love and removes soiling heart. "(Thabrani)Still in the hadith marfu 'Thabrani also narrates from A'ishah. that, "Get used to give gifts to one another, you will undoubtedly love each other."Both of the above hadith hadith marfu although classified under ', but the meaning is very positive and very supportive commands to strengthen the brotherhood in Islam as conveyed in the Qur'an and Hadith.7. Helping each otherMessenger of Allah said, "Who releases a believer in the world distress Allah will release his misery in the Hereafter. Who would it easier for people in need, Allah will ease (affairs) in the world and in the hereafter. Who is covered (disgrace) a Muslim, Allah will cover up (her shame) in the world and in the hereafter. And God has always helped his servant if the servant is helping his brother. "(Narrated by Muslim)Referring to the above hadith can pull the conclusion that actually help our brothers who were experiencing difficulty or adversity, basically is to help ourselves someday. Because whoever easier for people who are experiencing hardship, Allah will facilitate eating difficulties in the Hereafter. Whoever closes disgrace his brother, then Allah Almighty who would later cover her shame in this world and in the hereafter.Indeed, the Islamic brotherhood bonding adaladah one pious deeds which no measurable value. Through strong brotherly relations Islam, then we have helped to establish Islamic power in the body, as in the know that the Prophet had said, "A believer to believer (more) like a building, mutually reinforcing each other." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim). The stronger the ties of Islamic brotherhood that we intertwine, the more sturdy too Islamic building will stand.And of course, we have seen through the arguments above that so many benefits that we will get in return for our struggle to tie the Muslim brotherhood. May we all belong to the class of people who are constantly getting replies goodness of Almighty God for keeping the ties of brotherhood in Islam. Amen. # more-256
Category: ARTICLES, Info & Tips
"And bertaqwalah to God by means of His names, you ask one another, and (guard) the relationship of friendship." (Surah An Nisa: 1)"A believer to believer (more) like a building, mutually reinforcing each other." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).Muslim brotherhood or fraternity of Islam is one of the vital aspects and greatly emphasized in Islam. So many suggestions and orders calling for tightening the bonds of brotherhood among fellow Muslims, and there are many restrictions to sever ties of brotherhood in Islam. All that has been presented in the teachings of Islam, either through word of Allah in the Qur'an and through the words of the Prophet in the Hadith.Prophet himself, who is a human choice has shown how Muslims should always maintain brotherhood. Through his saying, he has so much to remind his people to always maintain the integrity persaudaraanya in Islam, because Islam is a religion which forbids Muslims to break kinship or relationship, especially with a brother who is in the shade of Islam.From Abdullah ibn Abi Aufa ra. said, when the late afternoon on the day of Arafat, when we were sitting around the Messenger of Allah, all of a sudden he said, "If there are people in this chamber who decides friendship, please stand up, do not sit with us." And when it is, between the present there is only one that stands out, and that too sitting in the distance. Then he was gone in the not long after that he came and sat down again.Then, the Prophet asked him, "Because you only present among the stands, and then you come and sit back, what actually happened? He then said, "As soon as you hear the words, I went to meet my aunt has decided to friendship with me. Since my arrival, he said, "Why have you come, you usually do not like to come here." Then I convey what you sabdakan. Then he ask forgiveness for me, and I ask for forgiveness for him (after we make peace, then I come back here).Then the Messenger of Allah had said to him, "You have done a good deed, sit down, the grace of God will not descend upon a nation if in it there are people who decide gathering."What has happened in the history of the above of course is in accordance with the word of Allah swt all the following:"Surely the believers are brothers, so make peace between the two brothers and fear Allah that you may receive mercy" (Qur'an Hujuraat: 10)Strengthen the brotherhood of Islam is also one form of enforcement power of Islam in daily life. Because Muslims are one another is like a building complementary and mutually reinforcing. If there is a shortage of his brother, then it becomes his duty to continue to provide or preserve it, not just throw out or decide. Muslims are to one another like a body that if one member of a sore body, the whole body will feel it too. This is where the power of Islam will be established through a strong brotherly relations."The likeness of the believers in love, love, and mutual empathy like one body. If one of the members feel the pain then the whole body participated felt the vigil and feel the fever. "(Narrated by Muslim)He also once said, "No one ever reward merit obtained faster than the relationship, and no one dosapun a faster adzabnya acquired in the world, as well as in the Hereafter will be obtained, exceeding injustice and decide ties." In an another report , from Anas, he said that Rasullah Prophet said, "Whoever likes dilapangkan sustenance and former dilamakan soles (stretched his age), he should connect ties. (Narrated Mutafaq 'alaih)In another narration, the Prophet was once asked by a friend, "O Messenger of Allah bring me charity that can put me to heaven". He replied: "You worship Allah, not associating him with everything, you set up the prayer, zakat and you connect exert friendship". (Narrated by Bukhari).The arguments above have explained the importance of the meaning of an Islamic brotherhood. So important and vital function of strengthening the brotherhood of Islam, to the Prophet did not want to admit people who do not have a brother as kepedualian the affairs of his people, it is as stated by the Prophet in his saying, which means:From Hudzaifah Bin Yemen ra. said the Prophet. said, "Who does not ihtimam (care) to the affairs of the Muslims, then it is not included among them.". (Narrated by At Tabarani)Once we know the urgency of a brotherhood in Islam, from now on let us start to always connect, strengthen, and keep us on the path silaturrahmi Islam. There are many things we can do to in order to connect, strengthen and maintain the ties of brotherhood of Islam, which are:1. Love your sense UngkapakanExpressing the love that has been known among the youth was limited to express his love for his girlfriend alone. However, the highest Islamic religious teachings have a broader scope than just that. Expressing love it is also needed in order to strengthen the brotherhood with fellow Muslims. It is, as has been recommended by the Prophet in his sayings.Prophet. said, "If a man loves his brother, let him say love him." (Narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi)In another narration, Anas. say that someone is on the Messenger of Allah, then one of his best friends through it. People who are on the side of the Messenger of Allah said, "I love her, O Messenger of Allah." Then the Messenger of Allah said, "Did you tell him?" The man replied, "Not yet." Then the Messenger of Allah said, "Tell him." Then the man told him and said, "Truly I love you for Allah." Then loved ones replied, 'God loves you because you love me because of him. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood)2. Indicate Happy FaceMeet someone who has a radiant face will surely carve memories. The face with a smile, full of passion and melancholy hue will not indicate cause longing for his brother. It could be a beaming we have shown it will give a positive spirit to the brothers we meet. Thus, it arises the desire to always want to meet and see it beaming.Prophet. said, "Do not belittle any good, even if just to meet your brother with a cheerful face." (Narrated by Muslim)3. Shaking HandsShaking hands is a form of physical contact to touch the hearts of both parties do so if it is done with sincere intentions and vigorously because Allah swt. Hold your brother's hand tightly and warm, until the spirit of the handshake can penetrate the heart.Prophet. said, "No two Muslims who meet and shake hands but they are forgiven their sins before parting." (Narrated by Abu Dawood)4. Mutual BeenIn addition to strengthen the ties of brotherhood in Islam, visits by-visit is one way that will lead us to the love of Allah swt. This is similar to the following words of the Prophet:Prophet Muhammad said, "Allah Almighty. said, 'It would have got my love of those who loved because I am, they visit each other because of me, and give each other because I am.' "(Narrated by Imam Malik in Al-Muwatta ')5. Giving GreetingsIt can not be denied that the concern is one of the most effective forms of action to strengthen a relationship. And one way to show your concern for us is to congratulate him when he gets a success. Brotherhood in Islam can only be loosened only by nature indifferent to each other and did not care about each other.In this regard, the Prophet had said, from Anas bin Malik, the Prophet said, "Whoever meets his brother with something that can be delighted him, surely God would delighted him on the Day of Resurrection." (Narrated Thabrani in Mu'jam Shagir)6. Mutual Giving GiftsHadith marfu 'from Anas that,' You shall give each other gifts, because gifts can pass the love and removes soiling heart. "(Thabrani)Still in the hadith marfu 'Thabrani also narrates from A'ishah. that, "Get used to give gifts to one another, you will undoubtedly love each other."Both of the above hadith hadith marfu although classified under ', but the meaning is very positive and very supportive commands to strengthen the brotherhood in Islam as conveyed in the Qur'an and Hadith.7. Helping each otherMessenger of Allah said, "Who releases a believer in the world distress Allah will release his misery in the Hereafter. Who would it easier for people in need, Allah will ease (affairs) in the world and in the hereafter. Who is covered (disgrace) a Muslim, Allah will cover up (her shame) in the world and in the hereafter. And God has always helped his servant if the servant is helping his brother. "(Narrated by Muslim)Referring to the above hadith can pull the conclusion that actually help our brothers who were experiencing difficulty or adversity, basically is to help ourselves someday. Because whoever easier for people who are experiencing hardship, Allah will facilitate eating difficulties in the Hereafter. Whoever closes disgrace his brother, then Allah Almighty who would later cover her shame in this world and in the hereafter.Indeed, the Islamic brotherhood bonding adaladah one pious deeds which no measurable value. Through strong brotherly relations Islam, then we have helped to establish Islamic power in the body, as in the know that the Prophet had said, "A believer to believer (more) like a building, mutually reinforcing each other." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim). The stronger the ties of Islamic brotherhood that we intertwine, the more sturdy too Islamic building will stand.And of course, we have seen through the arguments above that so many benefits that we will get in return for our struggle to tie the Muslim brotherhood. May we all belong to the class of people who are constantly getting replies goodness of Almighty God for keeping the ties of brotherhood in Islam. Amen. # more-256
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