Category: ARTICLES, Info & Tips
It is true the strong bener Onta ....... This makes bener amazed .... although
hot air, the strong Onta also ngangkut our big bodies is even heavier
loads more ...... heheheheheh ...... Horrified also yach Camel riding
high and had a hump ...... until Rapet wrote clinging to the saddle
....."Do they not look at the Camels, how they are made? And the sky, how it is raised? And the mountains, how they are fixed firm? And the earth, how it is spread? Therefore do thou give admonition, for thou only art one to admonish. "(Surat al Ghasiyah: 17-21)No doubt that all beings, with their ability, showing power and infinite knowledge of their Creator. This
is expressed in numerous verses in the Qur'an, hinting that everything
He creates is actually a sign, the symbol and warnings.In Surat al-Ghasiyah verse 17, God refers to an animal that we will learn and think carefully, the camel.In
this section, we will study the animal on which the expression of God
in the Qur'an, "Do they not look at the Camels, how they are created?"What makes a camel "special beings" is its body structure, which is not affected by the most severe conditions. His
body has several features that allow it to survive for days without
water and food, and able to carry the load of hundreds of pounds for
characteristics of camels, which we will study in detail on the
following pages, proving that animals were created specifically for dry
climatic conditions, and that he provided for the service of man. These are signs of a real creation for people who have sense."Indeed,
the exchange of the night and day and in which God created the heavens
and the earth, there are actually signs (His power) to those who fear
Allah." (QS.Yunus: 6).Shielded Head Of Sand:Eyelashes have a linkage system. In case of danger, it is automatically shut down fur. Eyelashes are interrelated is to prevent the entry of dust particles into the eye.Nose and ears covered by long hair to be protected from dust and sand.Their long necks allow the animal to reach and eat the leaves that are 3 m above the ground.Is Right Foot With All Types of Soil:Her feet have two toes connected by elastic bearings. This structure, which enables the animal to firmly grasp the earth, consisting of four fat balls. It is suitable for various types of conditions tanah.Kuku protect your feet from possible damage from the impact.Knees are covered with calluses, which are formed from the skin as hard and thick as horn. When the animal is lying on the hot sands, this calloused structure protects from injury due to a very hot surface.Hump Camel For Saving Food:Hump
camel, in the form of mounds of fat, providing nutrients for the
animals on a regular basis when he was having trouble food and hunger. With this system, a camel can live up to three weeks without water. During this period, the camel lost 33% of his weight. In the same conditions, a person will lose 8% body weight and died within 36 hours, and all the water lost from the body.The thick fur seals Heat:Thick
fur consists of thick, matted hair, which not only protects the body
from cold or hot weather conditions, but also reduce water loss from the
body. Camel Dromedari can slow the evaporation of water by increasing the body temperature to 41 C. In this way, it prevents water loss.With thick fur, camels can survive temperatures up to 50 C in summer to -50 C and in winter.They Can Even Eat Duri:Dromedari camels can withstand -52 C temperatures, in the highest regions of Central Asia.Extraordinary Durability Of Hunger And HausCamels can survive without food and water for eight days at 50 C. At this time, he lost 22% of the total weight. While
humans will be dying if the water loss is equivalent to 12% of body
weight, lean camel can survive despite the loss of water is equivalent
to 40% of the overall weight. Another reason for its resistance to thirst is a mechanism that allows the camel to increase the body temperature to 41 C. Thus, he was able to minimize the loss of water in a climate of extreme heat in the desert during the day. Camel is also capable of reducing body temperature to 30 C inside on a cold night in the desert.Unit of Good Water UseCamel can consume up to 30 liters of water, which is about one-third of their body weight in less than 10 minutes. In addition, it has the structure of the mucous membranes in the nose a hundred times greater than that in humans. Mucous membranes of the nose with a large and curved, the camel was able to absorb 66% moisture in the air.Maximum Utilization of Food And WaterMost of the animals died of poisoning when the accumulated urea in renal diffuses into the blood. However, the camel uses water and food to the fullest with urea skip this many times through the heart. Camel blood and cell structures devoted to make this animal live longer without water in desert conditions.Cell walls have a special structure that prevents water loss. In
addition, the composition of the blood circulatory prevent slowdown,
even when the amount of water in the camel's body is reduced to the
minimum. In
addition, the camel blood albumin there are more enzymes, which
strengthens resistance to thirst, than in the blood of living things is
the other support lain.Punuk camel. One fifth of all the weight is stored as fat camel at punuknya. Storage of body fat in only one part of the body to prevent water discharge from the entire body-fat related. This enables the animal to use the minimum amount of water.Although
able to consume 30-50 kg of food a day, in harsh conditions camels can
survive up to a month with only 2 kg of grass a day. Camel has a very strong lip and rubber-like, which allow them to eat thorns sharp enough to pierce the thick skin. In addition, it has a four chambered stomach and digestive system is very strong, it can digest whatever it eats. He was even able to take materials such as India rubber, which can not be considered as food. It is unclear how important this quality in such dry climates.Tornado Wind ProtectionEyes camels have two layers of eyelashes. This eyelash intertwined like a trap and protect his eyes from the strong sandstorms. In addition, the camel was able to close his nostrils, so that the sand can not enter.Protection Against The Scorching Weather Conditions And FreezesImpenetrable thick fur on the body camel prevent scorching desert sun reach the skin. These also keep the animal warm in freezing weather. Desert
camel is not affected by temperatures as high as 50 C, and a humped
Bactrian camels can survive two temperatures as low as -50 C. This type of camel can survive even in the valleys of the plateau, 4000 m above sea level.Protection Of The Burning SandOnta feet, which is too large for the legs, specifically "designed" and enlarged to help walk on the sand without falling. This paw feet wide and bulging. In addition, the special thick skin under the heel to protect against the burning sand.Let us think by remembering information: Has it adapt to desert conditions? Is it formed a layer of mucus in the nose or the hump on its back? Has it designs the structure of the nose and eyes to be able to protect themselves from tornadoes and hurricanes? Did he own blood and cell structure based on the principle of saving water? Is it by itself choose the type of hair that covered her body? Did he transform himself into "ships of the desert"?As with other living creatures, the camel surely can not do any of those things and make himself useful to humans. Verses
in the Qur'an, "Do they not look at the Camels, how it was created?"
Directs our attention to the creation of this amazing animal in the best
shape. As
with other creatures, the camel also has many special qualities and
then placed on earth as a sign of the greatness of the Creator.Onta created by the physical characteristics of this remarkable to serve mankind. Mankind itself obliged to look at the creation of the universe and is subject to the Creator of all beings, Allah SWT.
source: Harun Yahya
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