25 Tips Healthy Pregnancy
Category: ARTICLES, Info & Tips, Health & Beauty
TO keep the pregnancy that the baby is in the womb tetapsehat. This is beginning to have a healthy child. And during pregnancy, it is in determining the growth and development of your baby later.1. Control to the doctor regularly during their pregnancy. Month-bulanterakhir pregnancy, the control should be done more often. If
you have a complaint or have any concerns about pregnancy that you
experience, see your doctor, although this is not the time you have
control again.2. Avoid
materials or chemical substances that cause food poisoning such as
insecticides, paints, materials containing mercury (airraksa) or lead.3. Stop
smoking if you smoke or passive smoking should not be, because you
often inhale cigarette smoke from people around him, for example, from
your husband. Cigarette
smoke will make your baby born weighing less, the death of the child in
the womb or a child easily fall ill or slow to learn something later,
can also cause you to have a miscarriage.4. Drink more, especially water. The liquid that came in handy to help increase blood volume that occurs during pregnancy. Drink at least 6-8 glasses a day, can be fruit juice, milk, or plain water. An easy way to look at the adequacy of fluid in the body is by looking at the color of urine. When the urine, clear as water or only slightly yellow, it indicates you are consuming enough fluids.5. Consumption of nutritious foods to meet nutritional adequacy for the mother and baby in the womb. The
food must meet the five major food groups: rice or other carbohydrates,
meat and other proteins, vegetables, fruits and milk. Reduce fatty foods and fibrous foods multiply6. Consumption of vitamin Folic Acid 400 mcg per day, before pregnancy until the first few months of pregnancy. It is useful to prevent neural tube defects and spinal little one. Folic
acid is also important obtained from foods that contain folic acid,
such as cereals, brown rice, oranges, green vegetables, beans, broccoli,
and more.7. Consumption
also blood booster tablets, the tablet contains as much as 30
milligrams of iron a day during pregnancy, or as recommended by your
doctor. Iron
is useful to prevent anemia during pregnancy, which can lead to risk of
bleeding when persalinan.Sebenarnya all women of childbearing age,
should consume foods that contain lots of iron.8. Wash hands frequently, especially after handling raw meat when cooking or after using the restroom. Due to the hand washing will prevent the spread of germs and viruses that can cause disease.9. Get to know yourself. If
there are signs or symptoms that do not normally like pain, vaginal
bleeding, leakage of amniotic fluid, dizziness, fainting, being short of
breath, trembling, a rapid pulse, continued nausea and vomiting,
swelling of the joints, does not feel the fetus moving, and symptoms or
signs others, consult with your doctor.10. Be careful in consuming medicines including traditional medicines. Including alcohol and caffeine. Caffeine is in tea, coffee, soft drinks and chocolate should also be limited.11. The
drugs are often taken before pregnancy, such as drugs for hypertension,
epilepsy, asthma or diabetes, should consult with your doctor again. Are necessary changes or adjustments to your pregnancy? Are these drugs safe to use in pregnancy?12. The drugs are sold freely as to cope with flu and cough, may be harmful to the fetus in the womb. Therefore, consult with your doctor before drinking it.13. Do not hesitate or be afraid to ask the doctor. Since this involves fetal and maternal health alone. We better be careful and ask all kekhawatirkan we feel.14. Join a class for pregnant women such as pregnancy exercise class. In
addition to taking advantage of the class, prospective mothers can also
share experiences and gain knowledge with fellow expectant mothers.15. Stay tuned because it will be a good activity for the mother and the baby. Sports are generally safe for pregnant women such as walking, exercising, riding a stationary bike. Just remember to always consult with your doctor before you start.16. Eat small meals but often, about 5-6 times per day. This is much better than eating in 3 large servings daily. A diet with smaller portions more frequently, can reduce nausea and vomiting in the morning and stomach pain. Avoid foods that can make the stomach pain, even if you like it. Replace with more nutritious foods.17. Avoid showering or bathing with hot water while pregnant. Due to high heat can harm the pregnancy.18. Plan and make a safe home environment for your child later. This is to avoid the dangers that are not desirable.19. Avoid meat that is not cooked or undercooked, wash your hands after handling pets or gardening. This is to prevent contracting toxoplasmosis parasite that causes the disease toxoplasmosis, which can harm a fetus in the womb.20. Due
to the larger size of the uterus, along with inefficient kidney
function due to pregnancy, can cause the mother more frequent urination.
Can also occur for urine when sneezing, coughing or laughing. This is because the pressure of the uterus on the bladder, which often occurs in the first months of pregnancy. If urination accompanied by a burning sensation, pain and more often, see your doctor.21. Excessive weight or less during pregnancy can cause problems for your baby is still in the womb. Do not go on a diet during pregnancy to lose excess weight before consulting with your doctor.22. Vaccinating for pregnancy. Ask your doctor about this, when vaccination should be given.23. Avoid X-ray examination (x-ray). Explain to your doctor if you are pregnant when the doctor asks you to do the test.24. Provide a healthy environment for your baby in the womb. And when the child was born, and grew great, still give him guidance and love. Health and safety in the environment, should always be considered.25. Enough rest. At rest should lay aside, especially to the left side when appropriate doctor's advice. This position will provide the best blood circulation to the fetus and can reduce swelling in the legs.
Sources: mailing list
Category: ARTICLES, Info & Tips, Health & Beauty
Sources: mailing list
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