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1 Februari 2013

What's with wisdom teeth?

What's with wisdom teeth?

Category: ARTICLES, Info & Tips, Health & Beauty
From some of the questions often asked why the hospital entrance when sibungsu grow, what should it hurt? Most of it feels pain but why wisdom teeth should grow if only to make trouble. Let us together trace the footsteps of the youngest who're always disputed this.Growth or the appearance of wisdom teeth in dentistry is often called the dens molaris inferior third molar Tertius or give pain is often very disturbing our activities. Some of us probably will not understand this wisdom teeth. maybe I dapet explain a bit about these wisdom teeth.Wisdom teeth are the third molars appear around the age of 18-20 years.Wisdom teeth vestigial structures fall into this category, which is a function of the structure initially be lost or reduced in line with the evolution. Many experts argue that the changes in the types of food in modern humans from raw to cooked food made softer. In addition, modern dental care increased considerably. As a result, tooth decay is reduced. The presence of wisdom teeth are expected to help when another molar that date become useless, even on most people to be a problem.There are a number of factors that cause dental experience impaction. Because of the surrounding tissue is too dense, the retention of excessive milk teeth, milk tooth too early. It could also be due to lack of space for the eruption. Jaw "narrow" because the jaw bone growth is less than perfect.There is another theory. The growth of the jaws and teeth have a tendency to move toward the front. When movement is hampered by something blocking, can occur tooth impaction. For example, due to infection, trauma, malposition of teeth, or baby teeth prematurely date.Meanwhile, according to Mendel's theory, the growth of the jaws and teeth are influenced by heredity. If one of the parents (mothers) have a small jaw and large toothed father, there is the possibility of one of his children jawed small and large toothed. As a result, there could be shortage of places wisdom tooth eruption and impaction occurs.The narrowness of the room erupted wisdom teeth, according to drg. Danardono, it's because his jaw growth is less than perfect. This could be due to changes in diet. Humans now tend to eat soft foods, so it is less stimulating the growth of the jaw bone.Easy to swallow soft foods made inactive jaws chewing. While many fiber foods need to force the jaw to chew longer. The process of mastication longer actually makes jaws grow better. As is known, the joints at the ends of the jaw is growing point or jaw development. If the process of chewing less, joints that were less active, so the jaw does not develop properly. Jaw which should be enough to accommodate 32 teeth become narrower. As a result, wisdom teeth are always growing latter not get a place to grow normally. There are growing sideways, or even "sleep" in having no where to sticking.Thus, to support the development of the jaw, you should frequently eat fibrous foods to be more active so that the teeth bite, cut and chew. Jaws became increasingly active and is expected to grow normally. In effect, the growth of the teeth can be great. But do not forget, check teeth regularly to monitor the health of your teeth.Some sources give different definitions and different responses about these wisdom teeth, one of the sources that discuss this issue in the teeth bungu can I complete my quote and explain the problem to the wisdom tooth is from wikipedia.Problems with wisdom teethTeeth that are crowdedBecause the wisdom teeth grow at the end, sometimes jaw does not have enough space for wisdom teeth to grow properly. As a result, wisdom teeth pressing molar teeth in front. This will cause pain in the teeth. This problem is usually solved by removing wisdom teeth emerging. If the wisdom teeth are difficult position to be revoked, the revoked is pressed so that molar teeth wisdom teeth got pretty place to grow.Teeth that do not appear perfect on the gumsSometimes wisdom teeth do not show up properly on the gums. Gums that cover the teeth can cause a buildup of food debris and bacteria that can cause infection and pain in the teeth.TreatmentRevocationBefore revoked, the teeth will generally be photographed first with X-rays to determine the shape, position and depth of the teeth. Wisdom tooth extraction is usually performed with local anesthesia, but sometimes also be done under general anesthesia. Although relatively minor surgery, tooth extraction should be done professionally by a dentist, keeping in complications that may arise during and after the removal.Things to look after tooth extractionTo speed up the healing process:Keep the rest of the day and do not do heavy work.Avoid smoking. Whenever possible during the healing process (3-4 days), at least for 24 hours after surgery.Avoid rinsing or brushing your teeth for 24 hours after surgeryAfter 24 hours, the cleanliness of the area of ​​operation can be maintained by gargling warm salt water (1 teaspoon salt to 1 cup water) at least 4 times a day. Gargle with caution because the pressure can cause holes open surgery again and bleeding.After 24 hours, meggosok teeth can be done with caution, especially in the area of ​​operation.When given painkillers and antibiotics, take it as directed. Antibiotics should be spent even if the teeth are not painful. Instead, painkillers can be stopped if the pain subsided.Eat and drink as usual. Avoid dieting, eating and drinking enough is vital to the healing process.Avoid drinking through a straw because the pressure can release a blood clot in the hole operation.Avoid soft drinks because the foam is expected to release a blood clot in the hole operation. Drink fruit juices, especially citrus highly recommended.Eating extra vitamin C is recommended.To avoid swelling after jaw surgery should be bathed with ice or cold water. Attach a cold compress for 15 minutes, interrupted 10 minutes without compression, repeated until a night's rest.In the days after the day of surgery, the jaw can be compressed with a warm compress to stimulate blood circulation in the wisdom teeth that can speed healing.In addition to the above, anesthesia performed before surgery can also affect the psychological and mechanical abilities. Do not drive, do the work that requires high concentration, or sign important documents on the same day. When using general anesthesia, try to have someone who can accompany for at least one day.Problems that may arise after the revocationBleedingBleeding can not be avoided and can last for a full day. When bleeding occurs rinse is not recommended. The bleeding will stop when the blood begins to clot retraction in the hole, and rinsing can cause blood clots regardless. This can slow down the healing process and cause bleeding longer.If bleeding occurs, place a small roll of sterile gauze (usually provided by your dentist) on revocation holes. Kasa had bitten well with enough pressure. This will help stop the bleeding, but should not be done are too excessive so as to cause irritation to the repeal of the hole. Gauze rolls should only be bitten for about 20 minutes. If too long, the blood may clot on gauze and a blood clot can break again when the gauze removed. If bleeding persists after 20 minutes, replace with new gauze. And so on until the bleeding is reduced or stopped.If bleeding continues after the first day, right back to the dentist and report. Continuous bleeding indicates a problem with the healing process.Hole surgery is not fully closed (Dry socket)In general, having wisdom teeth removed, blood bathes the teeth holes and clumping. The formation of blood clots is very important because it serves as the gum will grow to cover the hole. An estimated 5-10% of cases had incomplete closure of the hole or the blood clot prematurely release, so the nerves of the gums and jaw bone even be open (dry socket). It is known that people with dry socket is usually women who take the contraceptive pill. Estimated dry socket can be avoided by performing surgery on day 22 to the 28th cycle, when estrogen levels are at the lowest point.InfectionInfection occurs when the healing process can be avoided by taking antibiotics and oral hygiene. Gargling with salt water after every meal to help clean up the area of ​​operation.Hopefully dapet help, I created this article with a quote from the wikipedia article and be some knowledge that I got in college, good sense of humor.http://kesehatangigi.blogspot.com/2008/04/gigi-bungsu-kenapa-sih.html

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