Feri Pribadi webdevelopers AKU Belajar: History of Palestine VS Israel war Occurrence

1 Februari 2013

History of Palestine VS Israel war Occurrence

History of Palestine VS Israel war Occurrence

 Category: ARTICLES, Info & Tips

Actually feud between the Palestinians with Israel not deserve to be called as a war, but is committed penajajahan Israel against the Palestinian people.Colonial nation committed by Israel against Palestinapada essentially motivated by expansion of power by Israel. This history begins in 1934 and 1945, which in that year was the year of the famous ruler kekusaan vicious and brutal from Germany named Adolf Hitler. In Hitler's mass crush out the entire leadership of the Jews who were in Europe, until the Jews were expelled from the land of fear and Europe. Through pressure and brutality of Hitler, Jews eventually ran away and fled to the Middle East, which happened in 1946, the area was ruled by the British. Through negotiations with British Jews, they requested permission from the British to establish a state, finally given a small area to the Jews to establish a Jewish state called Land, or that we are now more familiar with the people of Israel.With the alliance between Israel and the UK they are able to expand the power and the colonizing nations that are around, especially Palestine.The world community especially the Arab countries that originally sided with the Palestinians and Israel fought to defend the rights of the Palestinian people colonized, ultimately, more silence. Especially since the establishment of a Palestinian state officially on November 15, 1988, the support of Arab countries has weakened the struggle of the Palestinian people to face the Zionist regime which is now supported absolutely by the United States (U.S.). Looks like the Arab countries no longer see the Palestinians as a weak nation to be powered entirely by fellow Arabs, but already as a sovereign state and has its own power. Or because there are political and economic interests that sense of brotherhood and Islamic kearaban among Arab nations decaying.Confusion of the Muslims and the world community to the plight of the Palestinian people further and when they conflict with the government of Israel will end are questions with answers heartbreaking. When viewed from the Zionist regime lunge, then the answer is to run the entire Palestinian lands occupied by them, and most of the remaining Palestinians want to be a colony of the people, the nation's second-class or even a slave. Meanwhile, when viewed from the spirit of the Palestinian struggle against the Zionist regime, then the answer is to the death of the fighters, fighters defending their homeland and their existence as a sovereign and independent nation in its own land.The sovereignty of the Palestinian people with a Palestinian state that was proclaimed in Algeria was not fully recognized by Israel. Israel considers Jerusalem and Gaza as part of the promised land as mentioned in their holy book, which is still dominated by bangsaPalestina. This is why the Jewish people in the spirit zionismenya preferring Palestinian land as a place to establish a state.The United States itself was applying double standards in this regard. As a member of the UN Security Council recognize the legality of a Palestinian state, but on the other hand helps Israel politically, militarily and economically for menguasaiPalestina.Arab world and Islam considers the establishment of the state of Israel is a form of coercion for the existence of the Jewish people in Palestine. For Palestinarezim Zionist nation of Israel and Jewish people are occupiers who came and wanted to seize their homeland, not a neighboring country who were arguing with them. For Palestinian militants of war they did was a heroic struggle to maintain the existence of the homeland and the nation, just as we struggle memerdekan away from the Dutch and Japanese.It is true that the war between Palestine and Israel is not a religious war, but can not be separated from the causes of religious thought from the scriptures. The main reason they fight is a fight over the country, including areas that Jerusalem is a holy place for the three divine religions in the world, where there stands a mosque Alaqsa (Alharam alqudsi ashsharif) is used as a place of worship of Muslims or also known as the Temple Mount ( The Temple Mount / Har ha-Bayit) for Jews and Christians. And the famous wailing wall (The Western Wall / The Wailing Wall / Kotel Ha Ha Ma'aravi) located to the west of the mosque as a place of worship Alaqsa Jews, or called Alburaq Wall by Muslims.It is a process of expansion of the power of Israel against Palestine.Note: White colored areas are Israel and the green is Palestine. Most left in 1946 the entire area of ​​Palestine is still in power, and then next to it in 1947 occurred between 50:50 division Plestine the Jewish Land (Israel), then in 1949-1967 most of the area had been controlled by Israel, and the far right in 2000 throughout Israel has occupied the area, and is the opposite of 1946. You who can judge what is going on between Palestine with Israel ....http://triyugowinarko.wordpress.com/2010/06/02/sejarah-terjadinya-perang-palestina-vs-israel/

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