Feri Pribadi webdevelopers AKU Belajar: Want Fast Can a baby??? Women Desire

1 Februari 2013

Want Fast Can a baby??? Women Desire

Want Fast Can a baby??? Women Desire    

Category: ARTICLES, Mother & Child, Info & Tips

Many couples who have had a family life for more than a year, but have not given the baby. And they are always keen to see her go to a gynecologist to ensure health. Quite often the results of the examination, either by examination and blood hormones, both of otherwise normal.In response, there are several factors that must be considered in order for you who want to quickly have children: age less than 35 tahunUsia ideal woman to get a baby is under 35 years of age. If the age is above 35 years, then back up the egg in the ovary has been reduced and the quality is also declining.So the percentage to get a baby also somewhat reduced, although depending on each person. Because there are still women who can get pregnant even though he was already 40 years old. SuburMasa fertile period depending on the menstrual cycle. Woman's menstrual cycle is normally varies between 21-36 days. The fertile period is calculated at plus or minus 3 days following 14 days of menstruation. For example, if your period falls on July 28, 2005, the date of lush counted 14 days preceding July 14, 2005. Fertile period plus or minus 3 days of the July 14 July 11 to 17, 2005.Minimizing Sperm Out Of VaginaPeluang pregnancy has nothing to do with orgasms and sex positions. The most important is the meeting between the sperm with the egg. At ejaculation, sperm wastage minimalkanlah though it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg. The woman on top or on bottom, stands or other styles, can be done during intercourse. After ejaculation female pelvis should be elevated or placed on a pillow so that the sperm submerged in the womb. And the most important is your partner's sperm in a good quality.Factor Nutrition And OlahragaOLahraga regularly is very good for sexual health. With exercise, the blood flow into all these organs including the uterus will run smoothly. So it is with a balanced nutrition. Vitamin E as an antioxidant which is consumed in the form of raw bean sprouts juice actually less proven benefits. Some studies say vitamin E does not support fertility, but some say support kesburuan.But even so it never hurts to take vitamin E. You and your partner are fulfilling the above factors, but have not got a baby, you should both see a doctor. Other factors that will determine pregnancy that need to be examined include: Silus spawn and spermaWanita must have the egg and the husband has a good sperm quality. When women with irregular menstrual patterns alias back and forth is not known, it is more likely to be perceived not spawn.The reason could be due to diverse hormonal disorders or obesity. Husband said to have good quality sperm if sperm count of at least 20 million sperm morphology (anatomy) and normal sperm movement (mortilitas) is also good. RahimKesehatan reproductive organs should be good. Form of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries must be normal. The presence of acne in the tumor despite oviducts or ovaries can cause likely not pregnant.ChannelWhen the anatomy of the uterus is healthy it is necessary diperiiksa cervix, the entrance of sperm. If the channel is blocked, such as an infection, it can not be automated sperm meet the egg.HormonalHormonal disturbances that affected the physical factors can make the egg does not come out of the ovary. Biasaya doctors ensure patients have or do not spawn cycle with hormonal and ultrasound examination. Ultrasound examination of that by looking follicles (tiny bubbles) and not enlarged or ruptured or not on a particular day on days 13-15 during the fertile period and the thickness of the uterus enough or not. (Suggest: Use Lampe Berger Essential Oil with Rose D'Iris can meninggkatkan female fertility, Please Try.)


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